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The Hub contract acts as the central hub for all minted bLuna. Native Luna tokens received from users are delegated from here, and undelegations from bLuna unbond requests are also handled from this contract. Rewards generated from delegations are withdrawn to the Reward contract, later distributed to bLuna holders.


creatorCanonicalAddrAddress of contract creator that is allowed to change config and parameters
rewards_dispatcher_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of Rewards Dispatcher
validators_registry_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of Validators Registry
reward_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of bLuna Reward
bluna_token_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of bLuna's Cw20 token contract
stluna_token_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of stLuna's Cw20 token contract
airdrop_registry_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of bLuna Airdrop Registry

* = Set as None until an address is registered


epoch_periodu64Minimum time delay between undelegation batches [seconds]
underlying_coin_denomStringUnderlying asset denomination of bAsset (Luna)
unbonding_periodu64Time required for the Hub contract to consider an undelegation batch to be fully undelegated (past the unbonding period) [seconds]
peg_recovery_feeDecimalFee applied to bLuna generation and redemption
er_thresholdDecimalMinimum bLuna exchange rate before peg recovery fee is applied
reward_denomStringNative token denomination for distributed bLuna rewards (Terra USD)


Instantiates the bLuna Hub contract. Adds a specified validator to whitelist and bonds the creator's initial Luna deposit. The creator's initial Luna deposit ensures the bLuna supply always be a high enough value to prevent rounding errors in the bLuna exchange rate calculation.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]pub struct InstantiateMsg {    pub epoch_period: u64,    pub underlying_coin_denom: String,    pub unbonding_period: u64,    pub peg_recovery_fee: Decimal,    pub er_threshold: Decimal,    pub reward_denom: String,}
{  "epoch_period": 1000000,   "underlying_coin_denom": "uluna",   "unbonding_period": 7000000,   "peg_recovery_fee": "0.001",   "er_threshold": "1.0",   "reward_denom": "uusd"}
epoch_periodu64Minimum time delay between undelegation batches [seconds]
underlying_coin_denomStringUnderlying asset denomination of bAsset (Luna)
unbonding_periodu64Time required for the Hub contract to consider an undelegation batch to be fully undelegated (past the unbonding period) [seconds]
peg_recovery_feeDecimalFee applied to bLuna generation and redemption
er_thresholdDecimalMinimum bLuna exchange rate before the peg recovery fee is applied
reward_denomStringNative token denomination for distributed bLuna rewards



Can be called during a Cw20 token transfer when the Hub contract is the recipient. Allows the token transfer to execute a Receive Hook as a subsequent action within the same transaction.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum ExecuteMsg {    Receive {        amount: Uint128,         sender: HumanAddr,         msg: Option<Binary>,     }}
{  "receive": {    "amount": "10000000",    "sender": "terra1...",    "msg": "eyAiZXhlY3V0ZV9tc2ciOiAiYmluYXJ5IiB9"  }}
amountUint128Amount of tokens received
senderHumanAddrSender of token transfer
msg*BinaryBase64-encoded string of JSON of Receive Hook

* = optional


Bonds luna by delegating the luna amount equally between validators from the registry and mints bLuna tokens to the message sender. Requires native Luna tokens to be sent to Hub.

Lido tries to distribute the stake evenly across all validators. Given a single delegation, the exact number of validators that will receive delegations and the amount that they will receive depends on the current distribution of stake. We take a sorted (ASC) list of validators, calculate the desired amount that each validator should have target_stake = (total delegated + delegation_amount) / num_validators and begin adding stake up to the desired amount, starting from the validator with the least stake. The exact amount of a single delegation is calculated as target_stake - validator_stake, and you'll have as many delegations as it takes to "drain" the delegation_amount.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum ExecuteMsg {    Bond {}}
{  "bond": {}}


Bonds luna by delegating the luna amount equally between validators from the registry and mints stLuna tokens to the message sender. Requires native Luna tokens to be sent to Hub.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum ExecuteMsg {    BondForStLuna {}}
{  "bond_for_stluna": {}}


Distributes Luna delegation rewards to stLuna and bLuna holders. Withdraws all accrued delegation rewards to the Reward Dispatcher contract and requests the Reward contract to update the global reward index value. Can be issued by anyone without restrictions.

Tokens airdropped to Luna stakers (i.e. Hub contract) can be claimed by providing the relevant binary in airdrop_hooks.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum ExecuteMsg {    UpdateGlobalIndex {        airdrop_hooks: Option<Vec<Binary>>,     }}
{  "update_global_index": {    "airdrop_hooks": [      "eyAiZXhlY3V0ZV9tc2ciOiAiYmluYXJ5IiB9",       "eyAiZXhlY3V0ZV9tc2ciOiAiYmluYXJ5IiB9"     ]  }}
airdrop_hooks*Vec<Binary>Base64-encoded string of JSON of FabricateMIRClaim`

* = optional


Withdraws unbonded Luna. Requires an unbonding entry to have been made before the unbonding period.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum ExecuteMsg {     WithdrawUnbonded {}}
{  "withdraw_unbonded": {}}


Checks whether a slashing event occurred and updates state accordingly.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum ExecuteMsg {    CheckSlashing {}}
{  "check_slashing": {}}


Updates parameter values of the Hub contract. Can only be issued by the creator.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum ExecuteMsg {    UpdateParams {        epoch_period: Option<u64>,         unbonding_period: Option<u64>,         peg_recovery_fee: Option<Decimal>,         er_threshold: Option<Decimal>,     }}
{  "update_params": {    "epoch_period": 260000,     "unbonding_period": 1000000,     "peg_recovery_fee": "0.005",     "er_threshold": "1.0"   }}
epoch_period*u64New minimum time delay between undelegation batches [seconds]
unbonding_period*u64New time period required for the Hub contract to consider an undelegation batch to be fully undelegated (past the unbonding period) [seconds]
peg_recovery_fee*DecimalNew fee applied to bLuna generation and redemption
er_threshold*DecimalNew minimum bLuna exchange rate before the peg recovery fee is applied

* = optional


Updates the Hub contract configuration. Can only be issued by the creator.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum ExecuteMsg {    UpdateConfig {        owner: Option<String>,        rewards_dispatcher_contract: Option<String>,        validators_registry_contract: Option<String>,        bluna_token_contract: Option<String>,        stluna_token_contract: Option<String>,        airdrop_registry_contract: Option<String>,    },}
{  "update_config": {    "owner": "terra1...",     "reward_contract": "terra1...",     "rewards_dispatcher_contract": "terra2...",    "bluna_token_contract": "terra1...",    "stluna_token_contract": "terra1...",    "airdrop_registry_contract": "terra1...",    "validators_registry_contract": "terra1..."  }}
ownerCanonicalAddrAddress of the new owner
rewards_dispatcher_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of the new Rewards Dispatcher
validators_registry_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of the new Validators Registry
reward_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of the new bLuna Reward
bluna_token_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of the new bLuna's Cw20 token contract
stluna_token_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of the new stLuna's Cw20 token contract
airdrop_registry_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of the new bLuna Airdrop Registry

* = optional

[Internal] ClaimAirdrop#

Claims tokens airdropped to Hub's Luna delegations and swaps them to UST through SwapHook. Can only be issued by Airdrop Registry.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum ExecuteMsg {    ClaimAirdrop {        airdrop_token_contract: HumanAddr,         airdrop_contract: HumanAddr,         airdrop_swap_contract: HumanAddr,         claim_msg: Binary,         swap_msg: Binary,     }    }
{  "claim_airdrop": {    "airdrop_token_contract": "terra1...",     "airdrop_contract": "terra1...",     "airdrop_swap_contract": "terra1...",     "airdrop_swap_contract": "terra1...",     "claim_msg": "eyAiZXhlY3V0ZV9tc2ciOiAiYmluYXJ5IiB9",     "swap_msg": "eyAiZXhlY3V0ZV9tc2ciOiAiYmluYXJ5IiB9"   }}
airdrop_token_contractHumanAddrContract address of airdrop token's Cw20 token contract
airdrop_contractHumanAddrContract address of airdrop contract
airdrop_swap_contractHumanAddrContract address of swap contract to convert airdrop token to Terra USD (e.g. Terraswap Pair)
claim_msgBinaryBase64-encoded string of JSON of airdrop contract's claim message (claims airdrop)
swap_msgBinaryBase64-encoded string of JSON of swap contract's swap message (swaps airdrop token to Terra USD)

[Interal] SwapHook#

Swaps claimed airdrop tokens to the reward denomination. Can only be issued by itself (Hub).

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum ExecuteMsg {    SwapHook {        airdrop_token_contract: HumanAddr,         airdrop_swap_contract: HumanAddr,         swap_msg: Binary,     }}
{  "swap_hook": {    "airdrop_token_contract": "terra1...",     "airdrop_swap_contract": "terra1...",     "swap_msg": "eyAiZXhlY3V0ZV9tc2ciOiAiYmluYXJ5IiB9"   }}
airdrop_token_contractHumanAddrContract address of airdrop token's Cw20 token contract
airdrop_swap_contractHumanAddrContract address of swap contract to convert airdrop token to Terra USD (e.g. Terraswap Pair)
swap_msgBinaryBase64-encoded string of JSON of swap contract's swap message (swaps airdrop token to Terra USD)

[Internal] RedelegateProxy#

A proxy handler to execute redelegations from Hub address.

Can only be executed by Validators Registry or by the owner of the Hub.

pub enum ExecuteMsg {    RedelegateProxy {        src_validator: String,        redelegations: Vec<(String, Coin)>    }}
{  "redelegate_proxy": {    "src_validator": "terravaloper1...",    "redelegations": [      ["terravaloper1...", "100uluna"],      ["terravaloper1...", "50uluna"]    ]  }}
src_validatorHumanAddrAddress of source validator in redelegation pair
redelegationsVec<(String, Coin)>List of (destination validator, redelegation amount)

[Internal] BondRewards#

Bonds luna by delegating the luna amount equally between validators from the registry.

Neither bLuna nor stLuna are minted.

Can only be executed by Rewards Dispatcher.

Requires native Luna tokens to be sent to Hub.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum ExecuteMsg {    BondRewards {}}
{  "bond_rewards": {}}

Receive Hooks#


Burns received stLuna or bLuna and equally unbonds a corresponding amount of Luna from a validator from the registry.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum Cw20HookMsg {    Unbond {}}
{  "unbond": {}}


Converts received stLuna to bLuna or vice versa.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum Cw20HookMsg {    Convert {}}
{  "convert": {}}



Gets the Hub contract's configuration.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum QueryMsg {    Config {}}
{  "config": {}}


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]pub struct ConfigResponse {    pub owner: String,    pub reward_dispatcher_contract: Option<String>,    pub validators_registry_contract: Option<String>,    pub bluna_token_contract: Option<String>,    pub stluna_token_contract: Option<String>,    pub airdrop_registry_contract: Option<String>,}
{    "owner": "terra1...",     "reward_contract": "terra1...",     "rewards_dispatcher_contract": "terra2...",    "bluna_token_contract": "terra1...",    "stluna_token_contract": "terra1...",    "airdrop_registry_contract": "terra1...",    "validators_registry_contract": "terra1..."}
ownerCanonicalAddrAddress of the owner
rewards_dispatcher_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of Rewards Dispatcher
validators_registry_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of Validators Registry
reward_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of bLuna Reward
bluna_token_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of bLuna's Cw20 token contract
stluna_token_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of stLuna's Cw20 token contract
airdrop_registry_contract*CanonicalAddrContract address of bLuna Airdrop Registry

* = Not returned if address not registered yet


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum QueryMsg {    State {}}
{  "state": {}}


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]pub struct StateResponse {    pub bluna_exchange_rate: Decimal,    pub stluna_exchange_rate: Decimal,    pub total_bond_bluna_amount: Uint128,    pub total_bond_stluna_amount: Uint128,    pub last_index_modification: u64,    pub prev_hub_balance: Uint128,    pub last_unbonded_time: u64,    pub last_processed_batch: u64,}
{  "bluna_exchange_rate": "0.99",   "stluna_exchange_rate": "1.99",  "total_bond_bluna_amount": "100000000",  "total_bond_stluna_amount": "200000000",  "last_index_modification": 123456,   "prev_hub_balance": "100000000",   "actual_unbonded_amount": "10000000",   "last_unbonded_time": 123456,   "last_processed_batch": 10 }
bluna_exchange_rateDecimalCurrent bLuna <> Luna exchange rate
stluna_exchange_rateDecimalCurrent stLuna <> Luna exchange rate
total_bond_bluna_amountUint128Total amount of Luna currently bonded by Hub via bLuna logic
total_bond_stluna_amountUint128Total amount of Luna currently bonded by Hub via stLuna logic
last_index_modificationu64Unix block timestamp when the global reward index was last updated
prev_hub_balanceUint128Hub's Luna balance when WithdrawUnbonded was lasted executed. Used to calculate the actual amount of unbonded Luna
actual_unbonded_amountUint128Amount of Luna released from undelegation since last undelegation batch release
last_unbonded_timeu64Unix block timestamp when a batch was last undelegated
last_processed_batchu64Batch ID of the most recently released batch


Gets information about the current undelegation batch.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum QueryMsg {    CurrentBatch {}}
{  "current_batch": {}}


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]pub struct CurrentBatchResponse {    pub id: u64,    pub requested_bluna_with_fee: Uint128,    pub requested_stluna: Uint128,}
{  "id": 10,   "requested_bluna_with_fee": "100000000",  "requested_stluna_with_fee": "200000000"}
idu64Batch ID of the current undelegation batch
requested_bluna_with_feeUint128Amount of (fee-applied) bLuna requested for undelegation in this batch
requested_stluna_with_feeUint128Amount of stLuna requested for undelegation in this batch


Gets the amount of undelegated Luna that will be available for withdrawal (unbonding requests past the unbonding period) for the specified user.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum QueryMsg {    WithdrawableUnbonded {        address: HumanAddr,    }}
{  "withdrawable_unbonded": {    "address": "terra1..."  }}
addressHumanAddrAddress of user that previously unbonded Luna via redeeming bLuna


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]pub struct WithdrawablUnbondedResponse {    pub withdrawable: Uint128, }
{  "withdrawable": "100000000" }
withdrawableUint128Amount of undelegated Luna available for withdrawal


Gets parameter information.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum QueryMsg {    Parameters {}}
{  "parameters": {}}


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]pub struct Parameters {    pub epoch_period: u64,     pub underlying_coin_denom: String,     pub unbonding_period: u64,     pub peg_recovery_fee: Decimal,     pub er_threshold: Decimal,     pub reward_denom: String, }
{  "epoch_period": 260000,   "underlying_coin_denom": "uluna",   "unbonding_period": 1820000,   "peg_recovery_fee": "0.001",   "er_threshold": "1.0",   "reward_denom": "uusd" }
epoch_periodu64Minimum time delay between undelegations [seconds]
underlying_coin_denomStringUnderlying asset denomination of bAsset (Luna)
unbonding_periodu64Time required for the Hub contract to consider an undelegation batch to be fully undelegated [seconds]
peg_recovery_feeDecimalFee applied to bLuna generation and redemption
er_thresholdDecimalMinimum bLuna exchange rate before the peg recovery fee is applied
reward_denomStringNative token denomination for distributed bLuna rewards


Gets the list of Luna unbonding amounts being unbonded for the specified user.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum QueryMsg {    UnbondRequests {        address: HumanAddr,     }}
{  "unbond_requests": {    "address": "terra1..."   }}
addressHumanAddrAddress of user that previously unbonded Luna by redeeming bLuna


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]pub struct UnbondRequestsResponse {    pub address: HumanAddr,     pub requests: UnbondRequest, }
pub type UnbondRequest = Vec<(u64, Uint128, Uint128)>;
{  "address": "terra1...",   "requests": [    [7, "1000000", "1000500"],     [8, "2000000", "2000000"],     [9, "3000000", "1400000"]   ]}
addressHumanAddrAddress of user that requested to unbond bLuna
requestsUnbondRequestList of unbonding requests made by user
UnbondRequestVec<(u64, Uint128, Uint128)>List of (batch ID, bLuna unbond amount, stLuna unbond amount)


Gets the historical list of undelegation batch entries.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]pub enum QueryMsg {    AllHistory {        start_from: Option<u64>,         limit: Option<u32>,     }}
{  "all_history": {    "start_from": 10,     "limit": 10   }}
start_from*u64Batch ID to start query
limit*u32Maximum number of query entries

* = optional


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]pub struct AllHistoryResponse {    pub history: Vec<UnbondHistory>, }
pub struct UnbondHistory {    pub batch_id: u64,    pub time: u64,    pub bluna_amount: Uint128,    pub bluna_applied_exchange_rate: Decimal,    pub bluna_withdraw_rate: Decimal,
    pub stluna_amount: Uint128,    pub stluna_applied_exchange_rate: Decimal,    pub stluna_withdraw_rate: Decimal,
    pub released: bool,}
{  "history": [    {      "batch_id": 7,       "time": 100000,       "bluna_amount": "100000000",       "bluna_applied_exchange_rate": "0.99",       "bluna_withdraw_rate": "0.98",      "stluna_amount": "100050000",      "stluna_applied_exchange_rate": "1.99",      "stluna_withdraw_rate": "1.98",       "released": true     },     {      "batch_id": 8,       "time": 150000,      "bluna_amount": "100000000",      "bluna_applied_exchange_rate": "0.99",      "bluna_withdraw_rate": "0.98",      "stluna_amount": "100050000",      "stluna_applied_exchange_rate": "1.99",      "stluna_withdraw_rate": "1.98",      "released": false     }   ]}
historyVec<UnbondHistory>List of batch information
batch_idu64Batch ID
timeu64Unix block timestamp when this batch was undelegated
bluna_amountUint128(Fee-applied) amount of bLuna unbonded in this batch
bluna_applied_exchange_rateDecimalbLuna exchange rate at the time of batch undelegation
bluna_withdraw_rateDecimalConversion rate applied when users later withdraw from this batch
stluna_amountUint128(Fee-applied) amount of stLuna unbonded in this batch
stluna_applied_exchange_rateDecimalstLuna exchange rate at the time of batch undelegation
stluna_withdraw_rateDecimalConversion rate applied when users later withdraw from this batch
releasedboolIndicator on whether is batch is released (processed as fully undelegated by the contract)